Cusco’s Octava festival, wrapping up Corpus Christi 2013
☼ Inca Tours and Foodie Adventures ☼
Today, after seven days of celebration of Corpus Christi in the Inca capital Cusco, the saints were carried from the Cathedral and surrounding churches for Octava.
It’s a fabulous spectacle of 15 saints, most prominently San Francisco, and a host of costumed participants, juxtaposing the opposing influences of Spanish and Inca world views.
Another highlight is the food festival that takes place in the Plaza San Francisco, where scores of booths serve thousands of people a traditional dish known as Chiriuchu, or cold plate, along with copious amounts of beer.
The plate consists of Andean cheese, roasted guinea pig, aromatic sausages, boiled hen and a fragrant corn bread called torreja.
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