cusco tourist information

City ordinance threatens late night dance clubs in Cusco’s historic center

City ordinance threatens late night dance clubs in Cusco’s historic center

It’s more than Inca archaeological ruins and Spanish colonial architecture that draws tourists from around the world to Cusco. For years, a significant percentage of younger travelers have flocked to the Inca capital to enjoy the pulsating, techno and samba-tinged night life that spills out onto the main square into the wee hours.

Books on Peru
Exploring Cusco – A great introduction to Inca sites

Exploring Cusco – A great introduction to Inca sites

Machu Picchu has been named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, but visitors are often surprised by gaps in knowledge about the Lost City of the Inca.  Why was it abandoned at the time of the Spanish conquest? How did the Inca move the enormous stone blocks into place without using the wheel or metal tools? How do we find the answers when the Inca left no written history?
